Celebrating the Entrepreneurs of Wellington, Somerset

Well. I’m going to just come out and say it - I’m proud of this!
Over the course of 6 months I researched and photographed 22 shiny new small businesses that are doing their thing right here in my little town of Wellington.
So how did it all start?
I’m big on community. I’m Canadian, what can I say? We love this stuff.
I was listening to a Jai Long podcast and was drawn to his strategy of giving a lot of his attention to his personal community…his neighbours. I asked myself - how can I put myself in front of the people right down my street and better yet, help them at the same time? The concept quickly unfolded and before I knew it I was stood in front of the council giddily sharing my ideas. They were keen. I was elated. It was happening!
I put the word out and selected a variety of entrepreneurs that I photographed once, twice…sometimes 3 times a week. It was a lot of work but without a doubt worth it. I got to speak to inspiring and resilient people who started their businesses amidst a pandemic and are stronger than ever.
Just look at them in all of their glory!
Today their portraits are proudly posted on the high street for people to pass by and learn about what they have to offer. I even added QR codes that direct them to their websites…Hello SEO!
The community project was one of the most rewarding things that I’ve ever done and I’m so glad that I was able to help them that much further on their journeys ahead.


Little Cottage Massage | Personal Branding Session


Somerset Family Photographer at Sheppys Cider Farm